
Invisible teeth straightening with Invisalign in Ipswich


Are you unhappy with the appearance of your teeth? Have you been thinking about braces and how they could help improve your smile? Are you embarrassed by the thought of braces as an adult? Do not fret, the same questions go through the minds of thousands of other adults on a daily basis.

Throughout the country, most people suffer from misalignment issues of the teeth, even those who may have had braces earlier on in life. You are not alone. Everybody wants a beautiful straight smile. Despite having healthy teeth and gums, the appearance of your teeth not only affects how you feel when you look in the mirror but over time it can have a significant effect on your dental health. Teeth that are wonky or crooked may be clean and healthy but they are likely to be affected by decay and disease. Protruding teeth are more prone to damage whilst misaligned teeth allow the growth of bacteria and plaque in those hard to reach areas, which results in multiple dental issues over time. Speak to our dentist in Ipswich at Hawthorn Drive Dental Practice to find out how you can address the issues that are affecting the appearance and health of your teeth for a healthier and more beautiful smile.


Invisalign in Ipswich is a modern and highly effective method of teeth straightening which has become one of the most popular choice of braces amongst adults throughout the world.

In the last 20 years Invisalign has helped correct the miles of more than 12 million patients, and it continues to be a favourite amongst dentists and patients alike. If your teeth are mildly or moderately misaligned then Invisalign could be the most suitable treatment choice for you, especially if you are looking for discretion and want to avoid drawing further attention to your mouth. Speak to our dentist in Ipswich and book a smile assessment so that we can identify the factors that are affecting the health and appearance of your teeth and decide whether or not they are best addressed by Invisalign or whether we can offer you a more suitable choice of braces to help straighten your teeth.

You will undergo x-rays and three-dimensional scans of your mouth which will help us create a digital image that can be manipulated using the Invisalign software to put together a treatment plan for correcting the alignment of your teeth. Invisalign works using clear thermoplastic BPA free aligners, each of which are individually designed and manufactured to fit your teeth with accuracy and precision. The treatment is gentle, effective and convenient. You will be prescribed a set of aligners which will work together to help neatly align your teeth. Invisalign is a quick and convenient method of teeth straightening and you can expect noticeable results from around three months with a total treatment time of 6 to 12 months according to your dental needs.

Speak to us at Hawthorn Drive Dental Practice today and find out more about teeth straightening including Invisalign and other discrete treatment options with our dentist in Ipswich.