
How to address yellow teeth with our dentist in Ipswich


Yellow teeth are one of the most common issues that affect the appearance of a smile. Despite good brushing and flossing techniques, your teeth can become yellow or stained over time. It is important that you visit our dentist in Ipswich on a regular basis to prevent stains from becoming stubborn or permanent and keep your teeth clean and white.

There are many different factors that can reduce the whiteness and shine of your teeth. Poor oral hygiene and avoiding dental checkups are the most common causes of teeth staining. Making sure that you brush your teeth effectively and floss after meals is very important for maintaining a beautifully clean smile. Regular appointments with our dentist in Ipswich and hygienist are essential for removing plaque and tartar from the surface of your teeth; plaque and tartar are prime factors that can cause your teeth to appear yellow or stained.

The effects of smoking on dental health

Smoking is another major cause of stained or yellow teeth. Nicotine and tar can stain your teeth very quickly, and over time, your teeth will not only be yellow but also turn an unpleasant shade of brown. Smoking can cause an increased production of plaque on the surface of your teeth, which can cause a greater growth of bacteria in your mouth, thus resulting in various dental complications. Gum disease is a common consequence of smoking, and due to reduced oxygen in the bloodstream, it can worsen quicker than in non-smokers. Smoking is also one of the main causes of oral cancer.

If you are a smoker, then you must visit our dentist in Ipswich more frequently to prevent any dental complications from developing and make sure any existing complications are treated effectively from the outset.

Teeth whitening in Ipswich

If you would like to improve the colour of your smile, then you need to speak to our dentist and find out about the different teeth whitening treatment options available.

There are two different types of staining that can affect the aesthetic appearance of your teeth. Whether you are suffering from extrinsic or intrinsic teeth staining, we will help you choose the right treatment option. Extrinsic stains are found on the surface of your teeth and can be removed with good oral hygiene. If extrinsic stains become more stubborn, then they can be addressed by teeth whitening treatment options at our dental practice or with a home whitening kit prescribed by our dentist to be carried out safely and effectively at your comfort and convenience.

Intrinsic stains affect the internal structures of your teeth and can occur as a result of decay, disease or damage; therefore, these cannot be addressed by teeth whitening but require further cosmetic dental treatment to mask or disguise the stains.

Speak to us at Hawthorn Drive Dental Practice today and find out which treatment will be most suitable for you with advice and guidance from our skilled dentist. We look forward to helping you achieve a beautiful smile very soon.