
How our dentist in Ipswich treats patients with dental anxiety


Dental anxiety is a common problem for many people, but it doesn’t have to keep you from getting the dental treatment you need at our surgery, Hawthorn Drive Dental Practice. There are many different procedures available that can improve your appearance and oral health, so don’t hesitate to ask our dentist in Ipswich about the best treatment plan for you. Dental implants, deep cleaning and veneers are just a few of the many options that can be made available to you and attainable by relieving your concerns about having dental treatment.

What is dental anxiety?

Dental anxiety is a fear or uneasiness about dental care. This can include everything from the visit to the dental practice to the procedures that are performed. Many people can experience dental anxiety with a wide range of symptoms, from feeling very tense to feeling sick at the thought of treatment.

Why do people experience dental anxiety?

There are many reasons why people experience dental anxiety. Some people have had negative experiences with dentists in the past, while others may be fearful of pain or uncomfortable with the idea of someone looking in their mouth. Additionally, many people feel self-conscious about their teeth and believe that they need extensive dental work in order to improve their appearance.

The different types of dental treatments that are available

When it comes to our dentist in Ipswich, there are a variety of options available to you. If you’re looking to improve your appearance or oral health, our dentist can help you find the right treatment for you. Teeth whitening, invisible aligners, and bonding are just a few of the many treatments that are available, and by talking to our dentist you can not only take advantage of the general services offered but those designed to enhance the aesthetics of your smile..

What to expect during your first appointment

If you’re new to our practice, your first appointment will probably include a review of your medical and dental history, a dental cleaning, and an examination. We’ll also take digital X-rays and photos of your teeth so that we can develop a treatment plan tailored specifically for you.

Your dental cleaning will include a thorough cleansing of your teeth and gums with a special toothpaste and water jets. We’ll also use an ultrasonic cleaner to remove any plaque or tartar build-up on your teeth.

The examination will include a close look at your teeth, gums, jaw, and bite. We’ll also check for signs of tooth decay, gum disease and oral cancer.

How to prepare for your treatment

If you’re preparing for a visit to our dentist in Ipswich, there are a few things you can do to make the process go more smoothly. Be sure to tell our dentist about any allergies or medical conditions you have. This will help them choose the right type of anaesthesia for you if needed.

It can be tough to relax before dental treatment, especially if you have anxiety about the procedure. However, there are a few things you can do to make the experience a little less stressful. Here are a few tips.

Make sure you’re well prepared. Know what to expect from your treatment and come into the practice with some knowledge of the procedure. This will help reduce your anxiety and make the experience less overwhelming. Talk to our dentist about your concerns. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or express any fears you have. Our dentist will be happy to answer any questions you put to them and help put you at ease.

Take deep breaths. When you’re feeling anxious, it can help to take deep breaths and focus on your breathing. This will help calm your nerves and ease your anxiety. You can also speak beforehand to our dentist about your upcoming visit and ask about what they can provide to calm you.

Once you have completed your visit don’t forget to congratulate yourself on a job well done!